Saturday, April 25, 2009


its been god damn long since i last posted, i almost forgotten my password to log in. keke =x
life had not been good for me through out the couples of months. Quite a lot has been occurring, but anyway, im trying not to think of the bad stuff. I've worked through out my 2month of holiday, its been really tiring.. and kinda sick of work. but i got nth better to do thou.
holiday is not very well spent, and i had been doing things which are really damaging to my body since feb. like drinking and stuff. and im so addicted to facebook's bejewel, not because its real fun, but because i wanna haolian, win people so i can hang on to the comp for hours playing it. and its like totally useless... zZzZz...
Rarr~ sometimes i really hate myself.. i spend money like water again. and im damn broke again rite now.. so damn sad. anyway, its already spent...
felt so useless recently la.. grrr..
and sometimes i dunno is my internet connection got prob or my stupid vaio got problem, it loads like damn slowly loh. feel like smashing my lap top loh. if i got the money, i will smash this red vaio and get a pinky one. keke =x.. but think too much liao la..

garr.. i need some self motivation...


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